Quick Start Guide

Installing the package

Use an npm install to download and globally install the package:

npm install -g gitlit

Create a repository

Create an initial repository off of an HTML page using:

gitlit init <file> <outputPath> <repoName>

Commit a modified file

Commit a modified version of the file to the initiallized repository using:

gitlit commit <file> <pathToRepository> <commitMessage>

Diff the two previous commits

To get the difference between the two previous commit for display or to merge, run the diff command in gitlit:

gitlit diff <repoLocation> <outputLocation>

Now open the file that was saved by the diff step in a browser to use the visual diffing tool. Save the output in somewhere easily accessable for the merge step.

Merge the output of the diff

Run the gitlit merge command to take the changes selected in the diff display and output a commit ready HTML file:

gitlit merge <mergeFile> <outputLocation>

Restore an HTML file from a repo

To get an HTML file from the repo run the gilit write command on the directory with the desired output name for the file:

gitlit write <directory> <outputFile>